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I have lived in Wentzville for the past 13 years and have a deep love and appreciation for this community. As a small business owner, I understand the challenges and opportunities that face our businesses and I am committed to creating a supportive environment that helps them succeed. I believe that I have the skills, experience, and passion to be an effective leader and representative for the residents of Ward 2, and I am excited to have the opportunity to serve our community in this way.


I believe that the most effective way to address the concerns of my constituents is to listen to them and be responsive to their needs. If elected, I will hold regular town hall meetings and other community events to give residents the opportunity to share their ideas and concerns. I will also be available to meet with constituents one-on-one to discuss their specific issues and work with them to find solutions. I am committed to being an open and transparent leader who truly cares about the well-being of our community.


I believe that effective leadership involves collaboration and partnership, and I am committed to working with other elected officials and community leaders to address the needs of Ward 2. If elected, I will seek out opportunities to collaborate with other leaders and organizations to find solutions to the challenges facing our community. I will also work to build relationships with other elected officials and community leaders in order to advocate for the needs of our community on a broader scale.


One of the key issues facing Wentzville is the need to maintain and improve our infrastructure in the face of rapid growth. If elected, I will work to ensure that the needs of our community are balanced with the needs of new businesses and developments. This will involve examining the effects of new businesses and subdivisions on our existing infrastructure and working to find solutions that are fair and sustainable. I will also work to find innovative ways to fund infrastructure improvements, such as public-private partnerships, in order to ensure that the burden is not placed solely on taxpayers.


I am always available to listen to the concerns of my constituents and answer any questions they may have. You can contact me directly through my email or phone number, or you can visit my campaign website to learn more about my views on the issues and to stay updated on the latest news and events. I welcome the opportunity to connect with members of my community and I look forward to hearing from you.


I am running for Alderman in Ward 2 because I want to serve as a representative and advocate for the residents of our community. I have a strong background as a small business owner and a board member of a local place of worship, and I believe that my skills and experience make me well-suited to address the challenges and opportunities facing our community.


My top priorities if elected will be to promote the growth of Wentzville while protecting our infrastructure, create a business-friendly environment that encourages economic growth and job creation, and be a transparent and open leader who listens to the concerns of constituents. I will also support local non-profit organizations with any compensation received as an elected official, and I will examine the effects of new businesses and subdivisions on our existing infrastructure to ensure that changes are paid for in a fair and transparent manner.


Residents of Ward 2 can get in touch with me by email or phone, or by setting up a time to meet in person over a cup of coffee. I welcome the opportunity to listen to the ideas and concerns of my constituents and to work together to make Wentzville an even better place to live, work, and raise a family.


There are several ways that people can support my campaign. They can volunteer their time by helping with events, distributing flyers, or making phone calls. They can also make a financial contribution to help cover the costs of my campaign. And of course, the most important way to support my campaign is by casting your vote on April 4th, 2023.